Drake's Creek Watershed Festival

Location: Bowling Green-Warren County

Partner: Kentucky Division of Water, Kentucky Waterways Alliance, & Upper Green River Watershed Watch


EKI crew members and American Canoe Association instructors Shara Sumner, David and Dennis Hudson, and Scott Workman coached new paddlers on various technique, paddle strokes, as well as identifying river features, hazards and river signals.


  • Over 50 individuals floated for free of charge in canoes and kayaks provided by Western Kentucky University's Outdoor Recreation Center.

  • Explore Kentucky in the role of as an affiliate club of the United States Canoe Association helped provide insurance coverage for the paddling portion of the festival.

  • Participants received a passport that was stamped at every station for every activity they created. Once the participant had a full passport, they were eligible for various prizes such as life jackets, gift cards, and the grand prize, a recreational kayak.

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